- A vasectomy is a surgical procedure used for contraception in men.
- It is the removal of a port of vas deferens on both sides within the scrotum so that sperm are not able to travel from testicle to the penis and so ejaculate contains no sperm.
- It is successful in 99% of men so long as instructions are followed following procedure
- It should be considered a permanent option.
- The procedure takes around 30 minutes

There are two options for contraception for men. The first is wearing a condom for barrier and the second vasectomy. Condoms can be unreliable and many find them unpleasant but are useful when not ready for a permanent decision.
Vasectomy is the only long-acting method of contraception for men.
Process for vasectomy
Assessment and scheduling: After you have been referred to us by your GP an appointment should be made for consult with one of our surgeons. We will take a history and examine you before explaining important points of the procedure. This is completed by completion of paper-work including a consent form and booking for the time and place of the procedure.
In many cases it is safe to perform this procedure under a local anaesthetic (numb but awake), though in many situations a general anaesthetic (asleep) can arranged. You should feel comfortable in telling your surgeon if there is a particular reason for why you would prefer one or the other.
This is a day procedure so you will go home half an hour afterwards with clear instructions on what to do and look out for. Your surgeon will check in with you via Telehealth at one week and four months afterwards but you should call if any problems at other times. You can not consider yourself sterile until confirmed at the four month review.
- After interview and preparation in the procedure room, local anaesthetic is placed in skin and around the vas deferens (this can cause some queasiness in the abdomen).
- A small incision is made in the skin over the vas deferens and then it is delivered outside.
- The vas deferens is divided with a 1cm segment sent for histopathology confirmation and both ends are folded onto themselves.
- A type of glue dressing is placed on the skin but no stitches usually.
- The procedure is then repeated on the other side.
During the case you will feel some pulling but nothing sharp and no pain. You will also hear some buzzing and smell a little burning. We will place a square of absorbent gauze on the scrotum with tape then get you to pull up your briefs and pants.
After procedure instructions
- Rest at home with your feet up for the remainder of the day after your procedure
- Apply an icepack over your underwear for as long as tolerated on the first day to minimise bruising and bleeding (20 minutes/ hour for the first 3 hours if possible).
- Take Paracetamol (Panadol) four times a day for three days and longer if still in pain. Ibuprofen (Nurofen) can be started the day after your procedure and taken three times a day with food. Aspirin should be avoided for a week as it can cause bleeding.
- Keep the area dry on the first day. You can shower the morning after procedure and pat the area dry with a towel. Don’t immerse the area (bath/ lake-water etc) for at least a week.
- Expect some bruising discolouration of the skin and a little swelling for the week after procedure. A small amount of bleeding from the wound or in ejaculate is quite common and should not raise alarm.
- Wear supportive underwear for a week after procedure, including overnight. This provides support that reduces the risk of bleeding.
- Avoid heavy lifting (10 kg limit), exercise and sexual intercourse for a week.
- You will have a script for antibiotics prepared for you on the day of procedure. Only get these medications from a pharmacy if Dr Archer asks you to do so. This would usually be if you have some redness and have called the surgeon to discuss your concern.
- If you have any concerns about aftercare (eg bleeding, pain, possible infection), please feel free to contact Dr Leigh Archer on 0412 346 958 or
Semen analysis after vasectomy:
- An information form regarding sample collection, the pathology referral form and specimen jars will be provided on the day of your vasectomy. These are to be used at three and four months after procedure.
- The first sample should be taken three months following procedure and after at least 20 ejaculations (the more the better chance of a successful result. Some men need 50+)
- The sample should be collected at home and then delivered to the pathology collection centre within one hour. You should contact the collection centre the day before to check they are happy to receive it. Your surgeon will discuss results with you via Telehealth at four months post procedure
- Alternate contraception must be used until 2x sequential semen analyses show a negative sperm result. Around 80% of men have the expected negative result at that time.

Risks from procedure
Despite all best efforts, adverse events can occur in relation to any medical procedure. You should contact your surgeon if you have any concern.
Side effects early after surgery:
- Bleeding or blood clot (haematoma) into the scrotum (sometimes needing another procedure to clean it out),
- Infection at surgical site (needing antibiotics and very occasionally surgery),
- Mild pain or discomfort
- Swelling
Delayed complications (weeks to months afterwards) happen occasionally:
- Chronic pain in 1 to 2 percent of men,
- Fluid buildup in the testicle that can cause a dull ache that gets worse with ejaculation,
- Inflammation caused by leaking sperm (granuloma),
- Pregnancy in the event that vasectomy fails (rare),
- An abnormal cyst (spermatocele) that develops in the tubes around the testicle (epidiymis), and
- A fluid-filled sac (hydrocele) surround a testicle that causes swelling in the scrotum.
What vasectomy won’t do:
- Will not affect sexual performance
- There is no evidence to show higher risk of cancer after vasectomy,
- Chances of damage to sexual organs is very low,
- Pain after the procedure should be minor and go away after a few days.

Southern Surgical Care is run by expert surgeons experienced in vasectomy. We can provide advice at your pace and recommend proven treatments. A consultation is not an obligation and even those not considering surgery can come along to find out more of what can be done.